Thursday, January 1, 2009

Pretty drawing

Lion Facts

Lions have been mistakenly called the "king of the Jungle," but the fact is, lions do not inhabit jungles.
While lions have also been referred to as the "king of the beasts," this is only partially true. Lions, in their habitats, are kings of the predatory beasts, but they can be easily backed down or killed by elephants and water buffalo. A pack of hyenas can also back down or even kill a solitary lion!
When it comes to mating, lions are the champions! Lions can copulate up to as many as 100 times in a 24 hr. period!
Lions are the only true social members of the cat family and live in groups called prides.
All females in a pride are related.
All lactating females will allow any cub in their pride to nurse.
Lions run at a rate of 50 mph (81 kmph).
Lions sleep up to 20 hours a day.
Male lions can usually only hold on to a pride for 2-4 years before a younger, stronger male or coalition of males throws him out and takes over.
Many people only think of the females as doing the hunting, but as males spend much of their lives in search of a pride, they too must fend for themselves and are quite capable of hunting!
White lions occur naturally in the wild in the Timbavati region of South Africa. There are no verified records (that I am aware of!) of the existence of any black (melanistic) lions.
Lions are the only sexually dimorphic members of the cat family.
Male lions are the only members of the cat family to have a mane.
Lions are the only felines with tufts at the ends of their tails.
Female lions reach two thirds of their adult size by the time they are 2 years old.
Males begin to really grow between 3 and 3 1/2 years and by 4 will be almost their adult size and weight.
Both males and females continue to grow until they are 6 years old, primarily becoming more massive.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The White Lions

white lion information

The White Lions are South Africa's pride and joy, our living national treasure. Or so they should be.
No truly white lions were captured until 1975 when a litter containing 2 white cubs was found at Timbavati Game Reserve, adjacent to Kruger National Park. The white cubs were discovered by researcher Chris McBride.
White lions are not albino (unpigmented) but are leucistic - leucism describes an effect rather than a particular gene. They have pigmentation which is visible in the eyes, paw pads and lips. Their eyes are usually the normal hazel or golden colour although some have blue, blue-green or greyish-green eyes. At birth, the cubs are snowy white and may be described as resembling polar bear cubs. The birth colour gradually darkens to a pale cream colour known as blond (another name for white lions is blond lions). The mane and tail tuft remain a paler shade.

Mother and her cubs

Four beautiful white lion cubs and mother relaxing on logs.


Welcome to my blog. I will post pictures and news about the beautiful white lions that roam our country. Feel free to leave any comments and advice if you like, Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you all!